
Showing posts from October, 2021

Welcome to the Sunflower Linked System

Are you interested in communicating with hams in the Kansas Section?    If the mode you are using is not listed below, it's not currently supported. Regular nets are listed in the Calendar . Current links are: Allstar 28848 Echolink KC5FM-R 906281 Hamshack Hotline 94032 DMR TGIF 31207 P25 31207 DSTAR XLXOKL C Yaesu Fusion 31207 M17-SUN module A Potential Uses include Statewide Amateur Radio Emergency Services Net, Statewide Skywarn Net, Kansas National Traffic System Net, local club net.  If you want your net scheduled, email KC5FM at ARRL dot org and see the Calendar for potential conflicts. Hotspots and DroidStar users are welcome. Also, on Automatic Packet Reporting System , send a message to ANSRVR "K KSHAMS" to receive updates from participants who join the KShams group. Check the page for updates. 73